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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

pumpkin spice

today is full of gilmore girls,

and working on a crocheted bag.

lately i've been trying to recreate the trademark scratch cupcake.

so far, i've gotten pretty close to the Oh Happy Day and the Wedding Cake.

not much for open houses this weekend. dang.

we got a memory foam topper for our bed and

it has made the bedroom smell like a mint frappucino.  lol.

brandon's aunt and uncle from seattle were in town and we went to

texas roadhouse for an iowa steak. yum.

i am super excited for fall, scary movies, pumpkin spice latte's,

and hooded sweatshirts :)


  1. Glad you had a good day! :)

    Fall = the best season, can't wait for our epic Halloween costumes!!

  2. Just wanted to let you know I nominated you for a Liebster Award!
